Author Archives: scoutcuomo

About scoutcuomo

Charcoal dust and eraser shavings, oil bars and sketch books, wood, gold pray paint, resin, overly soft blankets, and turpentine, feathers and coffee grinds.

New Website/ NEW news

Hello! I’ve moved! You can now find new work and content at

New Website/ NEW news

Hello! I’ve moved! You can now find new work and content at

Bodies of Light Continued

Wow, the opening of this show couldn’t have been better. Here is my statement of the show and some images of the new work. While creating this body of work, I ran out of my prescription for anti-depressants, which I

Bodies of Light Continued

Wow, the opening of this show couldn’t have been better. Here is my statement of the show and some images of the new work. While creating this body of work, I ran out of my prescription for anti-depressants, which I


We’re almost there! Bodies of Light is an installation of new work of luscious layered paintings on glass & Lucite March 7th-29th @ the ECA+ Gallery. Cuomo works full-time as a studio artist in Florence, MA. She graduated from Smith


We’re almost there! Bodies of Light is an installation of new work of luscious layered paintings on glass & Lucite March 7th-29th @ the ECA+ Gallery. Cuomo works full-time as a studio artist in Florence, MA. She graduated from Smith

Chemical Depression & Art Medicine

When I received a call back from my pharmacist that they were unable to fill my prescription for Cetalopram until my doctor appointment March 1st I got nervous. I have struggled since my teens with chemical depression. It’s funny, because

Chemical Depression & Art Medicine

When I received a call back from my pharmacist that they were unable to fill my prescription for Cetalopram until my doctor appointment March 1st I got nervous. I have struggled since my teens with chemical depression. It’s funny, because

Last day of Online sales until the NEW YEAR!

hi there….hi….(steps up on soap box) I just wanted to tell you why I paint and sell art. I don’t paint to show off my skills…I can see they always need refining and I’m incredibly self-conscious. There is always someone

Last day of Online sales until the NEW YEAR!

hi there….hi….(steps up on soap box) I just wanted to tell you why I paint and sell art. I don’t paint to show off my skills…I can see they always need refining and I’m incredibly self-conscious. There is always someone

Converting all EXtra Paper into Mache

There is so much to learn about painting. There so many fantastic painters too! For me, I consider the significance of intention and meaning, the foundations, and striving to make a new fresh piece still in the realm of what my

Converting all EXtra Paper into Mache

There is so much to learn about painting. There so many fantastic painters too! For me, I consider the significance of intention and meaning, the foundations, and striving to make a new fresh piece still in the realm of what my

Paintings Glass

These paintings are rendered on the cool glossy surface of glass and resin layered to create slightly three-dimensional surface to give the figures presence. .

Paintings Glass

These paintings are rendered on the cool glossy surface of glass and resin layered to create slightly three-dimensional surface to give the figures presence. .

Commissioned puppy portrait

I thought perhaps it could be considered quite cliche that a young struggling artist take on the project of depicting someone’s dogs on the beach. I did, I’m sorry to admit that, but some of us who have been looking at art

Commissioned puppy portrait

I thought perhaps it could be considered quite cliche that a young struggling artist take on the project of depicting someone’s dogs on the beach. I did, I’m sorry to admit that, but some of us who have been looking at art

Home Design to a new Level

These pieces on lucite and glass are fantastical option in designing home & interior spaces. I’ve been making a new line of paintings that takes wall decor to a new level. Well, a slightly more three-dimensional level…so really, that’s not all new to

Home Design to a new Level

These pieces on lucite and glass are fantastical option in designing home & interior spaces. I’ve been making a new line of paintings that takes wall decor to a new level. Well, a slightly more three-dimensional level…so really, that’s not all new to

Take Magazine Kickstarter!

Ok ok, admittedly, it’s cool that I got to be in the kickstarter campaign video imagery that Zach MacDonald of Milltown Productions put together. That said, this magazine is really going to be an amazing contribution to New England and

Take Magazine Kickstarter!

Ok ok, admittedly, it’s cool that I got to be in the kickstarter campaign video imagery that Zach MacDonald of Milltown Productions put together. That said, this magazine is really going to be an amazing contribution to New England and